Please note that in order to send email to band's member you have to substitute in the addresses written below the string " A@T " with "@" (it's just a way to avoid spamming)
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Fabrizio "Mastello" - vocals Fabry is the author of all Kill Your Boyfriend's lyrics. He joined KYB as bass player after the experience into a hardcore band called Akkusa. His great "vocal" qualities and his incredible attitude in public's entertainment bring him to become the singer of KYB after a short while. Besides KYB, Fabry is one of the main chair-men of Mastello Recortz (a d.i.y. label involved into punk, hardcore and electronic music) and Radio Blackout (a free radio station in Torino). He also spends his time with his DJ set project called "Distructor Corporescion". In everyday's life Fabry is an universitary student, a big fan of Torino football club and a lover of trash movies. email : fabry_mastello A@T |
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Fabio "E.F.T." - guitar Coming from the hardcore band Fly's Battle, Fabio joined KYB when the band -being unable to find a new guitar player to substitute Marcello- was thinking to start playing drum and bass. His arrival gave the band the opportunity to start playing again with new entusiasm. Besides KYB, Fabio is involved into Radio Blackout and D.I.Y. label Escape from Today. email : escapefromtoday A@T |
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Matteo "Teo" - drums Teo is the only member of KYB's first lineup still playing in the band. He divides his musical engagement between KYB and T.F.B.P., a gothic rock band with a couple of demos available. He makes his living (please note that this guy deeply dislikes working, but he can't do anything about that) in a well know concern in Torino's automotive industry. Besides music, he likes model railroading, MTB and vampires movies. In his spare time he attends the university of literature and philosophy (faculty of history) email : kybgrind A@T |
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Marcello "Loki" - guitar Marcello, a guitar player who took part to many bands into Torino hardcore and straight-edge scene (the most recent ones were Columna de Hierro and S-Contro), was the composer of KYB's musics. It's important to remember his engagement into Collettivo Libertario Torinese (website in Italian language only) and Antifa Torino. |
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Roberto "Robo" - bass Robo is an excellent bass player. He left KYB because of his many engagements. Rumors say that in the future he will probably form a new band with Teo : nothing can be known about this new project... Robo at the moment plays bass in Arsenico, a well known hardcore band into Italian scene. |
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Ale "Astio" - bass Ale is one of the co-founders of KYB (the other one is Teo). He left the band because of some misunderstanding with other members of the band. Anyways it's possible that he will promote (with Teo's help) the reunion of Astio Sconsacrato, legendary chaos/noize band where both of them "played" before KYB. |
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Omar "Uomo minimale" - guitar Omar was the first KYB's guitar player. His essential but powerful style characterized KYB's early sound. Even if he left the band because of a lack of wish to play, we greet him ! |
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THE EARLY DAYS... Kill Your Boyfriend (KYB) were born in spring of 1999 in Torino fom the ashes of an awful chaos/noize band called Astio Sconsacrato. The first line-up was composed by Ale (vocals), Omar (guitar), Fabry (bass, he substituted Simo, who played bass with KYB for few months) and Teo (drums). The musical style of the band was an uncertain and rough melting pot between grind and metalcore. This line-up played several gigs in Torino and recorded, during November 2000, the split tape with Emeth, an excellent metalcore band from Belgium. |
THE EVOLUTION... In the beginning of 2001 an earthquake modified KYB's line-up : Omar left the band and he was substituted by Marcello (ex Columna de Hierro), while Ale and Fabry decided to swap their roles into the band. Thanks to Marcello's good technical level, KYB gained a powerful and more precise sound, a mix between old school hardcore and thrash metal. This new line-up played few gigs in Torino and recorded in summer 2002 "Tutto quello che ho" mini cd with the aim to use it as a promo to find some co-producers for a full lenght cd. During the recordings sessions a new line-up change occurred : Ale left the band to make place to Robo (bass player from Arsenico, a well know Italian hardcore band). |
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When things were looking great for KYB, band's activity suddenly stopped. In fact Marcello -who became father and so wasn't able to play anymore with KYB- left the band. Remaining members were not able to find another guitar player and "Tutto quello che ho" -who became a close chapter of KYB's history and so useless as a promo- was freezed while waiting for better times. As soon as the band decided to start playing drum and bass, a good new saved KYB : Fabio, a guitar player coming from a band called Fly's Battle, joined Kill Your Boyfriend.
Robo has recently left the band and now KYB are playing without a bass player. Besides the songs coming from "Tutto quello che ho" mini cd, KYB are playing few new track that will be recorded pretty soon. So stay tuned !